How to Edit the CSS for your WordPress Site Using the cPanel Hosting Control Panel

How to Edit the CSS for your WordPress Site Using the cPanel Hosting Control Panel

As you know, the design of a WordPress website is controlled by its theme. There are thousands of WordPress themes available on the market.

Many companies are there which provide premium themes. And most of the time, the website owner decides to modify the design which requires an access to the CSS file.

It’s important to note that WordPress themes have the main stylesheet file which controls the whole design. Depending on the type of theme you use, there may be many other CSS files.

And you should modify this file only if you’re techie enough to understand CSS language. Once in a while, people complain about breaking their websites.

It’s because of their curious nature. Well, being excited is good but you should make sure that you do it right.

In this tutorial, you will learn to locate the main CSS file and how you can modify it depending on the changes you want.

Access cPanel to Find the CSS File of Your WordPress Theme

If you know the location then the problem is solved otherwise, you need to understand the whole concept.

You should know that there are many default WordPress folders and wp-content is the main folder which consists the website’s media, posts, themes, plugins, and much more.

NOTE: Before you start, it’s important to know that if you do something wrong with this CSS file, the whole layout of your website will get broken. Most of the experts recommend creating a child theme for such modifications.

But if you are sure and want to edit the CSS file, go for it.

I am going to walk you through every step one by one.

Step 1

Log into the cPanel of your web hosting account

and start looking for the file manager. You should search the Files’ section because that’s where you can find the file manager.

Different web hosting companies use the different cPanel, so the layout may be different but the options will be quite similar.

Step 2

Click on the file manager icon and a new page will appear to you

. It’s the root directory and if you’re hosting only one website then you can find all the files and folders.

But if you have multiple websites on the same web hosting, you have to find the folder in which you have the website whose design you want to modify.

As discussed before, wp-content is the folder you should find. Click to open.

Step 3

At this new page, you can see many folders including plugins, cache, and themes.

Click on the themes folder where all of your active and inactive WordPress themes are available


For example, in your WordPress dashboard, you can see “Twenty Seventeen” as the theme name but in the cPanel, you will find only “twentyseventeen” with no space and uppercase letters.
Open it.

Step 5

Now you have to search for the style.css file

. In most of the cases, you can find it just after opening the theme folder.

But many WordPress theme developers create a different CSS folder. If you find it here, that’s great. If not, you have to open other available folders.
The folders similar to Assets, CSS etc. It won’t be hard to find the style.css file. And don’t confuse it with any other CSS file.

Step 6

Once you find it, right-click and choose to edit. You can also use the edit link mentioned in the main navigation menu of cPanel.

Depending on your coding skills, you can edit the CSS file

but make sure you don’t break the current layout of the website.

A web designer can easily inspect the website elements of the website using the browser and edit the CSS.

I would like to mention another important thing. Before you start editing this file, you can back it up so that if something goes wrong, you can restore it again.

It would be great if you could backup your whole WordPress theme. Most of the people rely on the backup plugins but I would recommend you to do it manually.

And there is no plugin to backup only the theme. So you have to do it yourself.

In the last couple of years, the usage of the WordPress CMS (Content Management System) has increased a lot and the WordPress theme developers are coming up with new layouts.

There are many WordPress users who are still using their old WordPress themes and it’s important for them to revamp their websites.

And that’s the reason they decide to modify the CSS file. Altering a few elements is always good but if you decide to change the overall layout, I would recommend you using a new WordPress theme.

It’s really important to keep up with the latest WordPress coding standards to maintain the security.

With the use of CSS, you can only alter the design, not the overall layout. It will require the use of PHP and HTML and there are many other files present in the theme folder you may need to change.

But if you just want to change a color of a few elements, adjust the font, background etc, you should use CSS.

I Hope You Can Easily Edit CSS of Your WordPress Website

After going through the steps mentioned above, you shouldn’t face any kind of trouble.

The only trouble is to find the style.css file. Sometimes the users get confused because every WordPress theme developer has a different style.

He/she may have created a folder with something different than I have mentioned above. You may have to struggle a little bit to find it.

Although a WordPress theme doesn’t contain many folders. You should easily find this file. If you still have any doubt, feel free to ask.

Drop a comment below or use the contact page to send an email to us. We would be happy to help you.


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