Difference Between UX And UI: What You Need To Know

Learn the Difference Between UX and UI

User experience (UX) and user interface (UI) are two of the most commonly used terms in web design. UI involves buttons, screens, icons, toggles, and other visual elements website or app users interact with. Conversely, UX refers to how people interact with a website, including how they feel about it.

UI and UX are closely related, but they play different roles and have varying responsibilities in the design process. Therefore, you must understand UX and UI to build a successful website or application.

Key Highlights

  • UX is about users’ overall experience when interacting with a digital product or service. On the other hand, UI is about the look and feel of the product’s interface.
  • Different tools are used in UX and UI design, including prototyping, user flows, visual design, information architecture, etc.
  • UI deals with only digital products, while UX is used for both non-digital products and services
  • The key difference between UI and UX is the focus of the designs. UI designers focus on a website’s visual and interactive elements, while UX designers deal with the overall user experience.
  • Different tools and techniques exist for creating UI and UX designs, including prototyping, information architecture, user flows, etc.

UX vs. UI: Understanding the Basics

88% of online shoppers say they wouldn’t return to a website after having a bad user experience.

Source: Smallbizgenius.net

Before knowing the difference between UI/UX, you must understand UX design and UI.

UX is used in physical and digital products to enhance the user experience from when they first make contact with the product till they are done using it. It focuses on creating solutions for users’ pain points along their journey with a product or service.

UI is used only in digital products and focuses on visual touchpoints for interacting with a website or app. It combines color palettes, typography, buttons, imagery, and animations to produce aesthetically pleasing designs. User interface impacts user experience, but the two are distinct, and their designers have different responsibilities.

So, UI makes an app or website look great and enables intuitive navigation. However, if such a website or app loads slowly or involves clicking several buttons to perform an action, the UX is bad. Therefore, for a website or app to function optimally, both UI and UX must be well designed.

User Experience (UX)

As the name implies, UX is all about user experiences with a product or service. The UX designer focuses on creating elements that make products accessible, functional, meaningful, and enjoyable. The focus is on building features that make it easy for users to accomplish tasks.

As a result, UX designers do the following:

  • Conduct user research to know the needs, behaviors, pain points, and goals of those that will interact with the product
  • Create user personas based on the target audience
  • Build user journey maps for studying customer interaction with a product
  • Develop wireframes and prototypes to get what the final product will look like
  • Team up with UI designers, developers, and product stakeholders

Properly designing UX can cut development costs and increase your product revenue. Also, users will be motivated to interact more with your product, which improves loyalty and increases word-of-mouth marketing.

User Interface (UI)

The user interface comes after the UX design, focusing on a product’s look, feel, interactivity, and presentation. The UI designer’s job is to ensure that the product is user-friendly. As such, a product with an excellent UI is intuitive, has attractive visual elements, and is interactive.

Also, UI designs serve as a visual guide when using a product. This way, the user does not need to do much to understand the product and has a good experience. Additionally, UI is more digital than UX and applies only to digital products, not services.

When creating a user interface design, the UI designer focuses on:

  • Page layout organization
  • Selecting fonts and color palettes
  • Creating interactive elements like buttons, scrollers, text fields, toggles, and drop-down-menus
  • Designing layouts and high-fidelity wireframes to depict the final design
  • Teaming up with developers to turn designs into working products

Note that a UI designer can also work on UX designs. Hence the job descriptions for UI/UX designers. However, as UI and UX have different roles and responsibilities, a UX/UI designer must have the unique skills to work on both designs.

Differences Between UX and UI

Good UI raises a website’s conversion rate by 200%, while a good UX design

increases the conversion rate by 400%.

Source: Invozone.com

The primary difference between UX and UI is their design focus. As mentioned, UX deals with the end user’s experience when interacting with a product, On the other hand, UI is more about the visual elements and interactiveness of a product.

Also, although UI and UX are used for devices, user experience is not always about digital products. It covers customers’ interactions with a service or a brand. Conversely, UI deals only with digital services and focuses on enhancing the look of a product.

UX is more about how users feel after using a product. So, if you have a great app with a beautiful interface and elements, users will have a bad experience if it is not intuitive. In such a case, you focused on the UI to the detriment of the UX.

Another key difference between UX and UI is the stages involved in the design process. UX designers work first, researching users to understand pain points and the solutions they want. The UX designer will map the user journey to know the areas that require improvement and make recommendations to the UI designer.

A UI designer’s work starts from where that of a UX designer ends. Armed with the recommendations made by the UX designer, the UI designer creates elements that reflect what the users want. So, suppose users believe a toggle bar will make a website easier to navigate.

The UX designer will recommend it to the UI designer, who will bring it to life. When UI designers finish creating the visual elements of a product, the UX designers will test it to ensure it meets the users’ needs. This way, the UX designer ensures the product will help the user accomplish their goal easily before it is released.

The Role of UX and UI in Web Design

When building a website or web app, several pieces of information are needed, like the CMS platform to use, hosting type, domain name, etc. Also, you must pay attention to how UI and UX affect web design. The first thing to note is that UI and UX are crucial in web design to create a seamless and engaging user experience.

UX deals with the overall experience and satisfaction of users. As a result, UX designers prioritize the accessibility and functionality of the website. An excellent UX design helps meet business objectives and customer needs.

Also, it helps to increase the conversion rate of q website and SEO rankings and builds trust and credibility. A good UX design ensures visitors stay on the website and take action.

UI design is about what visually appeals to users. As such, UI designers choose color schemes, page layouts, fonts, and interactive elements that make a website intuitive and user-friendly. A good user interface design should display your services without ambiguity, get visitors’ attention, and keep them on the site.

Below are UI/UX design elements to consider when building a website.

User Research

Websites are built for people. Therefore, you must focus on how users interact with it if you want it to be successful. Research the user’s needs, goals, and preferences to identify those that will use your site and what they expect. Also, conducting user research provides information used to create user experience strategies and make design decisions.

Information Architecture

In UX, information architecture contains the operational details of how a product should act and function when used. The website’s blueprint displays its content, pages, interaction, and behavior. Creating information architecture when building a site makes it easy for users to understand and navigate, improving their overall experience.

Final: Difference Between UX And UI: What You Need To Know

Interaction Design

Interaction design (IxD) makes websites intuitive and easy to use, which is vital for creating a seamless and meaningful user experience. It uses elements like fonts, graphics, sound, aesthetics, animations, transitions, etc., when designing the user interface.

Also, with interaction design, UX/UI designers communicate with the user, guiding them through the website to achieve their goals. Interaction design leads to quicker learnability and more user satisfaction when done right. It also results in better usability understanding and increases the chances of visitors returning.

Usability Testing

A website’s usability refers to its user-friendliness. A user-friendly website has an effective design, simple operations, fast load times, easy navigation, a unique style, etc. To ensure that your website is user-friendly, you must conduct usability testing.

Testing the usability of a website with the target audience helps you identify the aspects that need improvement. It also ensures that the design meets the users’ needs and they have a good experience. Finally, with usability testing, you avoid adding features that will not be used on the site, saving you time and money.

40% of website users will leave if the site takes more than three seconds to load.

Source: Forbes.com


Wireframing is the process of designing website structures and content. Its main purpose is testing a website’s look, usability, features, and functionality. There are different website structures: hierarchical, sequential, database, and matrix.

You can use templates to create the structure of the website. Alternatively, the UI/UX designer can create a low-fidelity structure for the website, which is essentially a draft of what the site looks like.

Afterward, the UI/UX designer will create a high-fidelity site design, which is a realistic prototype of the website’s final structure. The high-fidelity wireframe contains images, icons, typography, colors, images, and call-to-action buttons.

Mockup Design

A mock-up design is a high-fidelity website render that shows how it will look when completed. It features several visual design elements like typography, color scheme, and graphics. Mockups bring to life the wireframe and allow designers to test how different visual elements work together before the website goes live.

Final: Difference Between UX And UI: What You Need To Know


Prototyping in web design is a mockup or demo of what the website will be when it goes live. It is an experimental page where design teams make ideas tangible, moving them from paper to digital. With prototyping, you can build a working model of a website to test its usability and identify areas that need improvement.

Style Guide Development

UI/UX style development guides help a website’s user interface and experience work together cohesively. The style guides record the design elements and interactions on the website. Also, they list all the vital elements of the website, like color, navigation menus, buttons, typography, etc.

Style guides contain UX elements like animations, hover states, dropdown fills, etc., and contain live components and code snippets. When creating a style guide for the user interface, include:

  • Responsive layouts
  • Buttons
  • Iconography
  • Data tables
  • Charts and data visualizations
  • Modals, etc.

Key Differences in Design Principles for UX and UI

Final: Difference Between UX And UI: What You Need To Know

User interface and user experience have different design principles because of their unique focus and goals. Below are some of the vital differences between UI and UX.


Focus is the primary difference between UX and UI designs. The UX designer is more interested in users’ overall experience when interacting with a website. This determines whether the website will do well and whether the visitors will return.

Conversely, the UI designer is focused on the website’s visual elements. This includes images, typography, and fonts, making the website appealing to users. The UI designer also focuses on interactive elements like checkboxes, click buttons, site navigation, etc.

User Research

UX designers need user research to understand the goals, pain points, and preferences of end-users. Then they create the user experience around the answers they get. UI designers do not conduct user research. But they rely on reports from UX designers to create an interface to build websites that meet the user’s needs and improve the user experience.


Since UX designs are about the user experience, designers focus on creating websites that are easy to use and functional. On the other hand, UI is all about visually attractive sites that will grab a visitor’s attention and get them to engage with the site.


UX designers create a logical and intuitive layout that helps users navigate the website or product. Conversely, UI designers design visually appealing layouts to improve the user experience. They do this by using space, adding colors, photos, illustrations, icons and emojis, gradients, background patterns, animation, etc.


More than 90% of online information is in text form.

Source: Interactiondeisgn.org

In UX, designers use clear, legible typography that is easy to read. When choosing typography, focus on the font, character, baseline, x-height, stroke, serif, spacing, white space, alignment, etc. For UI design, the focus is on consistent, aesthetically pleasing typography that fits the brand’s image.

Color Scheme

According to the Institute for Color Research, people subconsciously judge a product within 90 seconds of seeing it, and between 62% and 90% of that assessment is based on color alone. Color plays a crucial role in UX designs, and designers use color schemes that are easy on the eyes to enhance user experience.

Final: Difference Between UX And UI: What You Need To Know

UX designs pay attention to hue, shade, tint, tone, and color temperature to get the right scheme. For UI designs, the emphasis is on creating color schemes that visually appeal to users and is consistent with the brand’s identity.


When creating UX designs, users receive feedback from the designers at every step of the design process. This ensures the user understands what is happening and what to do next with a product. So, with feedback, users know when they succeed or fail at performing a task. On the other hand, UI designs provide visually appealing feedback that enhances the user experience.

UX and UI Tools and Techniques

There are several techniques and tools for creating UX and UI designs, and below are some of the common ones.


A prototype in UI/UX design is a model of a website or app used to validate or test designs before launching them. Also, with prototyping, you can check users’ reactions to a product and improve based on their feedback.

There are different tools for prototyping, like InVision, Proto.io, Adobe XD, etc. UI/UX designers use these tools to create visuals, navigation elements, and interactions to create a product’s look and feel.

Information Architecture

An information architecture documents the operational details of how a product acts and functions. An information architecture with a well-structured design reduces bounce rates, helps to keep users, and increases the website’s visibility. Examples of information architecture tools are Microsoft Visio, PowerMapper, etc.

User Flows

User flows show a user’s steps to complete a specific task on a website or application. UX designers create user flows using diagrams, wireframes, prototypes, flowcharts, etc. Also, with this technique, it is easier to create an intuitive interface. Examples of user flow tools Draw.io. Microsoft Visio, etc.


Personas are fictional characters used to represent the different users of a website or application. In UX, personas help designers understand and empathize with their target audience, while in UI, it helps with design iteration. There are different personas, including goal-oriented, engaging, fictional, and hard facts personas.

Final: Difference Between UX And UI: What You Need To Know

Visual Design

This involves creating visual elements of the website or app, including typography, graphics, and color scheme. When done right, the visual design improves the aesthetics and usability of a website or app.

Style Guides

UX/UI designers use style guides to establish the guidelines and standards for websites or apps. When creating a style guide, focus on the overall visual style, have a defined logo guideline, and select a layout and typography. Also, choose primary color palettes, add images, and create policies for alerts, errors, and tooltips.


Mockups are static visual representations of a website or app and provide an idea of what the final product will look like. It also allows designers to conduct usability testing in the development phase, focusing on content and functionality. Examples of tools for creating mockups are Adobe XD, Figma, etc.


This technique involves creating icons that can be used in the website or app. Iconography improves user experience and makes the website or apps more usable. Also, icons help users navigate the website or app, improving interactions. Examples of tools for iconography are Iconfinder, IconJar, etc.

Responsive Design

Responsive design makes a website or app better optimized to be viewed on different devices, like desktops, tablets, and mobile phones. Also, the website or app will reach a larger audience, pages will load faster, and there will be fewer maintenance needs and lower bounce rates.


UI/UX is crucial when building websites or applications that appeal to users. When designing a user interface or experience, ensure you pay attention to the basics and the role of UX and UI in web design. Also, learn the different techniques for UI/UX design and take advantage of the available tools.

For more information on website designs and hosting plans, visit our resource center on HostAdvice.

Nest Steps: What Now?

Further Reading: Useful Resources

Frequently Asked Questions

Which is better, UI or UX?

None is better, as both have their roles and responsibilities. However, prioritize UX if you are more focused on user research, product research, and problem-solving. But if you want users to have a user-friend and visually appealing product, focus on UI.

How do UX and UI work together?

UX deals with users’ entire experience when interacting with a product, while UX focuses on visual elements and the product’s look and feel. The two are needed to create an appealing product and engaging user experience.

How can I make a great UX design and a smooth UI design?

To create a great UX design and smooth UI, conduct user research to understand the target audience’s needs, behaviors, and motivations. Next, create user personas to depict the people interacting with the product or service. Then use wireframes or prototypes to represent the product’s layout visually. Finally, work closely with the developers to ensure the design is technically feasible.

What do UI and UX designers do?

UX designers create users’ overall experience when using a digital product or service. A UI designer designs the visual elements, look, and feel of digital products. Also, UI and UX designers work on websites, mobile apps, software apps, etc.

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